Publications of the Astronomical, Physical and Mathematical Geodesy Group


  1. Azizi, A., Akhtar, F., Kusche, J., Tischbein, B., Borgemeister, C., Oluoch, W.A. (2024) Machine learning-based estimation of fractional snow cover in the Hindukush Mountains using MODIS and Landsat data. Journal of Hydrology.

  2. Bako, M. and Kusche, J. (2024). Evaluation and homogenization of a marine gravity database from shipborne and satellite altimetry-derived gravity data over the coastal region of Nigeria. Journal of Applied Geodesy.

  3. Bako, M., Elsaka, B., Kusche, J., Fenoglio-Marc, L. (2024). Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE and combined global geopotential models using GNSS/levelling data over Nigeria. Stud Geophys Geod.

  4. Bolmer, E., Abulaitijiang, A., Kusche, J., Roscher, R. (2024) Estimating daily semantic segmentation maps of classified ocean eddies using sea level anomaly data from along-track altimetry. Front. Artif. Intell. 7:1298283. .

  5. Döll, P., Hasan, H. M. M., Schulze, K., Gerdener, H., Börger, L., Shadkam, S., Ackermann, S., Hosseini-Moghari, S.-M., Müller Schmied, H., Güntner, A., Kusche, J. (2024) Leveraging multi-variable observations to reduce and quantify the output uncertainty of a global hydrological model: evaluation of three ensemble-based approaches for the Mississippi River basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(10), 2259-2295, doi.10.5194/hess-28-2259-2024,

  6. Jensen, L., Gerdner, H., Eicker, A., Kusche, J., Fiedler, S. (2024). Observations indicate regionally misleading wetting and drying trends in CMIP6. Climate and Atmospheric Science,

  7. Li, F., Kusche, J., Sneeuw, N., Siebert, S., Gerdener, H., Wang, Z., Chao, N., Chen, G., Tian, K. (2024). Forecasting Next Year's Global Land Water Storage Using GRACE Data. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(17), e2024GL109101,

  8. Moustafa, S.S.R., Yassien, M.H., Metwaly, M., Faried, A.M., Elsaka, B. (2024). A Unified Seismicity Catalog Development for Saudi Arabia: Multi-Network Fusion and Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Detection. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 7070.

  9. Moustafa, S.S.R., Yassien, M.H., Metwaly, M., Faried, A.M., Elsaka, B. (2024) Applying Geostatistics to Understand Seismic Activity Patterns in the Northern Red Sea Boundary Zone. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 1455.

  10. Osman, A., Elsaka, B., Anjasmara, M. (2024) Regional evaluation of global geopotential models and three types of digital elevation models with ground-based gravity and GNSS/levelling data using several techniques over Sudan. Journal of Applied Geodesy,

  11. Schulze, K., Kusche, J., Gerdener, H., Döll, P., Müller Schmied, H. (2024): Benefits and Pitfalls of GRACE and Streamflow Assimilation for Improving the Streamflow Simulations of the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS004092.

  12. Springer, A., Mielke, C. A., Liu, Z., Dixit, S., Friederichs, P., Kusche, J. (2024) A regionally refined and mass‐consistent atmospheric and hydrological de‐aliasing product for GRACE, GRACE‐FO and future gravity missions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027883.

  13. Willen, M. O., Horwath, M., Buchta, E., Scheinert, M., Helm, V., Uebbing, B., Kusche, J. (2024) Globally consistent estimates of high-resolution Antarctic ice mass balance and spatially resolved glacial isostatic adjustment. The Cryosphere, 18(2), pp. 775-790, DOI:10.5194/tc-18-775-2024,

  14. Xiong, Y., Feng, W., Zhou, X., Kusche, J., Shen, Y., Yang, M., Wang, C., Zhong, M. (2024). Separation of earthquake and hydrology signals from GRACE satellites data via independent component analysis: a case study in the Sumatra region, Geophysical Journal International, 239(3), pp. 1597–1616,

  15. Zaki, A., Bashir, B., Alsalman, A., Elsaka, B., Abdallah, M., El-Ashquer, M. (2024). Evaluating the Accuracy of Global Bathymetric Models in the Red Sea Using Shipborne Bathymetry. J Indian Soc Remote Sens.


  1. Andersen, O. B., Rose, S. K., Abulaitijiang, A., Zhang, S., Fleury, S. (2023) The DTU21 global mean sea surface and first evaluation. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2023, 1-19. DOI:

  2. Buchhaupt C., Egido A., Vandemark D., Smith W. H.F., Fenoglio L., Leuliette E. (2023) Towards the Mitigation of Discrepancies in Sea Surface Parameters Estimated from Low- and High-Resolution Satellite Altimetry. Remote Sens. 2023, 15(17), 4206;

  3. Chao, N., Wang, S., Ouyang, G., Hwang, C., Jin, T., Zhu, C., Abulaitijiang, A., Zhang, S., Yue, L., Chen, G. and Zhang, Y. (2023) An improved triple collocation-based integration of multiple gravity anomaly grids from satellite altimetry: Contribution of ICESat-2. Remote Sensing of Environment, 292, 113582.

  4. Chao, N., Wan, X., Zhong, Y., Yin, W., Yue, L., Li, F., et al. (2023) Reconstructing a new terrestrial water storage deficit index to detect and quantify drought in the Yangtze River Basin. Journal of Hydrology, 625, 129972.

  5. Chao, N., Wang, J., Yue, L., Yeh, P. J. F., Hu, Y., Wan, X., Li, F., et al. (2023) Multi-Lagrange multiplier method to improve the region-specific GRACE estimation of water storage change in eleven sub-basins of the Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47, 101426.

  6. Chao, N., Li, F., Yu, N., Chen, G., Wang, Z., Ouyang, G., Yeh, P. J. F. (2023) Divergent spatiotemporal variability of terrestrial water storage and eight hydroclimatic components over three different scales of the Yangtze River basin. Science of The Total Environment, 879, 162886.

  7. Chen, J., Fenoglio, L., Kusche, J., Liao, J., Uyanik, H., Nadzir, Z.A., Lou, Y. (2023) Evaluation of Sentinel-3A altimetry over Songhua river Basin, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 618, 129197,

  8. Dibi-Anoh, P.A., Koné, M., Gerdener, H., Kusche, J., N’Da, Ch. K. (2023) Hydrometeorological Extreme Events in West Africa: Droughts. Surv Geophys (2022).

  9. Durand M. et al. included L. Fenoglio (2023) A framework for estimating global river discharge from the SWOT satellite mission, Water Resources Research,

  10. El-Ashquer, M., Elsaka, B., Mogren, S., Abdelmohsen, K., Zaki, A. (2023) Assessment of changing satellite gravity mission architectures using terrestrial gravity and GNSS-leveling data in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 26 (2), pp. 285-292,

  11. Elsaka, B., Francis, O., Kusche, J. (2023) Calibration of the Latest Generation Superconducting Gravimeter iGrav-043 Using the Observatory Superconducting Gravimeter OSG-CT040 and the Comparisons of Their Characteristics at the Walferdange Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics, Luxembourg. Pure Appl. Geophys.

  12. Hu Y., Chao N., Yang Y., Wang J., Yin W., Xie J., Duan G., Zhang M., Wan X., Li, F., et al. (2023) Integrating GRACE/GRACE Follow-On and Wells Data to Detect Groundwater Storage Recovery at a Small-Scale in Beijing Using Deep Learning. Remote Sensing. 15(24):5692.

  13. Klos, A., Kusche, J., Leszczuk, G., Gerdener, H., Schulze, K., Lenczuk, A., Bogusz, J. (2023) Introducing the Idea of Classifying Sets of Permanent GNSS Stations as Benchmarks for Hydrogeodesy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2023JB026988.

  14. Larson, K. M., Williams, S. D. P. (2023). Water level measurements using reflected GNSS signals. The International Hydrographic Review, 29(2), pp. 66-76.

  15. Li, R., Lei, J., Kusche, J., Dang, T., Huang, F., Luan, X., Zhang, S.-R., Yan, M., Yang, Z., Liu, F., Dou, X. (2023) Large-Scale Disturbances in the Upper Thermosphere Induced by the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(3),e2022GL102265.

  16. Li, X., Jin, T., Liu, B., Chao, N., Li, F., Cai, Z. (2023) The influence of ENSO on the long-term water storage anomalies in the Middle-Lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin: Evaluation and analysis. Earth and Space Science, 10, e2023EA003007.

  17. Gerdener, H., Kusche, J., Schulze, K., Doell, P., Klos, A.  (2023) The global land water storage data set release 2 (GLWS2.0) derived via assimilating GRACE and GRACE-FO data into a global hydrological model. J Geod 97, 73.

  18. Gerdener, H., Schulze, K., Kusche, J.(2023) GLWS 2.0: A global product that provides total water storage anomalies, groundwater, soil moisture, and surface water with a spatial resolution of 0.5∘ from 2003 to 2019. PANGAEA.

  19. Güntner, A., Gerdener, H., Boergens, E., Kusche, J., Kollet, S., Dobslaw, H., Hartick, C., Sharifi, E., Flechtner, F. (2023) Veränderungen der Wasserspeicherung in Deutschland seit 2002 aus Beobachtungen der Satellitengravimetrie. Hydrologie & Wasserbewirtschaftung, 67, (2), 74-89.

  20. Siemes, C., Borries, C., Bruinsma, S., Fernandez-Gomez, I., Hładczuk, N., van den IJssel, J., Kodikara, T., Vielberg, K., Visser, P. (2023) New Thermosphere Neutral Mass Density and Crosswind Datasets from CHAMP, GRACE, and GRACE-FO. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate.

  21. Springer, A., Lopez, T., Owor, M., Frappart, F., Stieglitz, T. (2023) The Role of Space-Based Observations for Groundwater Resource Monitoring over Africa. Survey in Geophysics,  44, 123–172.

  22. Stolle, C., Baerenzung, J., Kronberg, E.A., Kusche, J., Liu, H., Shimizu, H. (2023) Special issue “DynamicEarth: Earth’s interior, surface, ocean, atmosphere, and near space interactions”. Earth Planets Space 75, 137 (2023).

  23. Wan, X., You, W., Kusche, J., Li, F., Yang, X., Fan, D., Jiang, Z. (2023) Evaluating different predictive strategies for filling the global GRACE/-FO terrestrial water storage anomalies gap. Journal of Hydrology, 626, 130216.

  24. Wu, Y., Li, Y., Jia, D., Andersen, O. B., Abulaitijiang, A., Luo, Z., He, X. (2023) Seamless seafloor topography determination from shallow to deep waters over island areas using airborne gravimetry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1-19.

  25. Yin, J., Slater, L. J., Khouakhi, A., Yu, L., Liu, P., Li, F., Pokhrel, Y., and Gentine, P. (2023) GTWS-MLrec: global terrestrial water storage reconstruction by machine learning from 1940 to present, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 5597–5615,

  26. Yu, B., You, W., Kusche, J., Fan, D., Su, Y., Zhang, J. (2023) A detailed analysis of stochastic models applied to temporal gravity field recovery with GRACE observations, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 236, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 516–536,

  27. Yue, L., Chao, N., Chen, G., Chen, L., Zhang, B., Sun, R., Zhang Y, Wang S., Wang Z., Li F., Yu N., Ouyang G.. (2023) Reconstructing continuous ice sheet elevation changes in the Amundsen Sea sector during 2003–2021 by merging Envisat, ICESat, CryoSat-2, and ICESat-2 multi-altimeter observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128, e2022JF007020.

  28. Zhang, Y., Chao, N., Li, F., Yue, L., Wang, S., Chen, G., Ouyang, G. (2023) Reconstructing Long-Term Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard, Thickness, and Volume Changes from Envisat, CryoSat-2, and ICESat-2. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(5), 979.


  1. Arutyunova, A., Driemel, A., Haunert, J.-H., Haverkort, H., Kusche, J., Langetepe, E., Mayer, Ph., Mutzel, P., Röglin, H. (2022). Minimum-Error Triangulations for Sea Surface Reconstruction. In 8th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2022), Vol. 224, pp. 7:1--7:18, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2022.7.

  2. Bolmer, E., Abulaitijiang, A., Kusche, J., Roscher, R. (2022). Occlusion Sensitivity Analysis of Neural Network Architectures for Eddy Detection. In IGARSS 2022-2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 623-626). IEEE.

  3. Bruni S., Fenoglio, L., Raicich, F., Zerbini, S. (2022). On the consistency of coastal sea level measurements in the Mediterranean Sea from tide gauge and satellite altimetry. J. of Geodesy,

  4. Buchhaupt, C., Egido, A., Smith, W., Fenoglio, L. (2022). Conditional Sea Surface Statistics and Their Impact on Geophysical Sea Surface Parameters Retrieved From SAR Altimetry Signals, Adv. Space Research,

  5. Corbin, A., Kusche, J. (2022). Improving the estimation of thermospheric neutral density via two-step assimilation of in situ neutral density into a numerical model. Earth Planets Space 74, 183.

  6. Dibi-Anoh, P.A., Koné, M., Gerdener, H., Kusche, J., N’Da, Ch. K. (2022). Hydrometeorological Extreme Events in West Africa: Droughts. Surv Geophys (2022).

  7. Elsaka, B., Abdelmohsen, K., Alshehri, F., Zaki, A., El-Ashquer, M. (2022). Mass Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage over the Nile River Basin and Mega Aquifer System as Deduced from GRACE-FO Level-2 Products and Precipitation Patterns from GPCP Data. Water, 14(23), 3920.

  8. Elsaka, B., Francis, O., Kusche, J. (2022). Calibration of the Latest Generation Superconducting Gravimeter iGrav-043 Using the Observatory Superconducting Gravimeter OSG-CT040 and the Comparisons of Their Characteristics at the Walferdange Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics, Luxembourg.  Pure Appl. Geophys.

  9. Elsaka, B., El-Ashquer, M. (2022). Determination of Local Quasi-Geoid Models using FFT Estimation Technique based on Combined Gravity Anomalies from CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE, Future Satellite Missions and in-Situ Gravity observations in Western Desert of Egypt, IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG), 10(1), pp. 15-24. DOI:10.9790/0990-1001031524.

  10. Elsaka, B. (2022). Combined observables in different inter-satellite line-of-sight directions from simulated satellite gravity mission architectures for retrieving total water storage – regional case study: the Nile River Basin. Survey Review, 54:385, 339-348

  11. Elsaka, B., El-Ashquer, M. (2022) Comparison between Gaussian and decorrelation filters of GRACE-based RL05 temporal gravity solutions over Egypt. Survey Review, 54:384, 233–242, doi.10.1080/00396265.2021.1919841.

  12. Forootan, E., Kosary, M., Farzaneh, S., Kodikara, T., Vielberg, K., Fernandez-Gomez, I., Borries C., Schumacher, M. (2022). Forecasting global and multi-level thermospheric neutral density and ionospheric electron content by tuning models against satellite-based accelerometer measurements. Sci Rep 12, 2095 (2022).

  13. Gerdener, H., Kusche, J., Schulze, K., Ghazaryan, G., Dubovyk, O. (2022). Revising precipitation – water storages – vegetation signatures with GRACE-based data assimilation. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 612, Part A, September 2022, 128096, 

  14. Karegar, M.A., Kusche, J., Nievinski, F.G., Larson, K.M. (2022). Raspberry Pi Reflector (RPR): a Low-cost Water-level Monitoring System based on GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry, Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031713,

  15. Saadon, A, El-Ashquer, M., Elsaka, B., El-Fiky, G (2022). Determination of local gravimetric geoid model over Egypt using LSC and FFT estimation techniques based on different satellite- and ground-based datasets. Survey Review, 54:384, 263–273,

  16. Sefton, J., Kemp, A.C., Engelhart, S., Ellison, J.C., Karegar, M.A., Charley, B., McCoy, M.D. (2022). Implications of Anomalous Relative Sea-level Rise for the peopling of Remote Oceania, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 119 (52), e2210863119,

  17. Schindelegger, M., Kotzian, D.P., Ray, R.D., Mattias Green, J.A., Stolzenberger, S. (2022). Interannual Changes in Tidal Conversion Modulate M2 Amplitudes in the Gulf of Maine. Geophysical Research Letters,49, Issue 24, e2022GL101671.

  18. Stolzenberger, S., Rietbroek, R., Wekerle, C., Uebbing, B., Kusche, J. (2022). Simulated Signatures of Greenland Melting in the North Atlantic: A Model Comparison With Argo Floats, Satellite Observations, and Ocean Reanalysis. JGR Oceans, 127(11), e2022JC018528.

  19. Vereecken, H., Amelung, W., Bauke, S., Bogena, H., Brüggemann, N., Montzka, C., Vanderborght, J., Bechtold, M., Blöschl, G., Carminati, A., Javaux, M., Konings, A.G., Kusche, J., Neuweiler, I., Or, D., Steele-Dunne, S., Verhoef, A., Young, M., Zhang Y. (2022). Soil hydrology in the Earth system. Nat Rev Earth Environ 3, 573–587 (2022).

  20. Willen, M.O., Horwath, M., Groh, A., Helm, V., Uebbing, B., Kusche, J.  (2022). Feasibility of a global inversion for spatially resolved glacial isostatic adjustment and ice sheet mass changes proven in simulation experiments. Journal of Geodesy, 96, 75 (2022).

  21. Wu, Y., Wang, J., Abulaitijiang, A., He, X., Luo, Z., Shi, H., ... & Ding, Y. (2022). Local enhancement of marine gravity field over the spratly islands by combining satellite SAR altimeter-derived gravity data. Remote Sensing, 14(3), 474.

  22. Yang, F., Luo, Z., Zhou, H., Kusche, J. (2022). On study of the Earth topography correction for the GRACE surface mass estimation. J. Geod. 96, 95.


  1. Buchhaupt, C., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Becker, M., Kusche, J. (2021). Impact of Vertical Water Particle Motions on Fully-Focused SAR Altimetry. Adv. Space Res., 68(2), pp. 853–874,

  2. Chen, Q., Shen, Y., Kusche, J., Chen, W., Chen, T., Zhang, X. (2021). High‐Resolution GRACE Monthly Spherical Harmonic Solutions. Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), 126 (1),

  3. Deggim, S., Eicker, A., Schawohl, L., Gerdener, H., Schulze, K., Engels, O., Kusche, J., Saraswati, A. T., van Dam, T., Ellenbeck, L., Dettmering, D., Schwatke, C., Mayr, S., Klein, I., and Longuevergne, L. (2021). RECOG RL01: correcting GRACE total water storage estimates for global lakes/reservoirs and earthquakes, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2227–2244,

  4. Durand M. et al. included Fenoglio, L. (2021). A framework for estimating global river discharge from the SWOT satellite mission, DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10508946.1.

  5. Elsaka, B. (2021). Evaluation of Terrestrial Total Water Height Variations over the Nile River Basin Based on Two Full-Years of GRACE-FO Gravity Field Monthly Solutions. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science (IRJAES), 6(1), pp. 90-95. IRJAES-V6N1P55Y21.

  6. Fenoglio, L., Dinardo, S., Uebbing, B., Buchhaupt, C., Gärtner, M., Staneva, J., Becker, M., Klos, A., Kusche, J. (2021).  Advances in NE-Atlantic coastal Sea Level Change Monitoring from Delay Doppler Altimetry, Adv. Space Res.,68(2), pp. 571–592,

  7. Klos, A., Karegar, M.A., Kusche, J., Springer, A. (2021). Quantifying Noise in Daily GPS Height Time Series: Harmonic Function Versus GRACE-Assimilating Modeling Approaches. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18(4), pp. 627–631, doi.10.1109/LGRS.2020.2983045.

  8. Li, F., Kusche, J., Chao, N., Wang, Z., Löcher, A. (2021). Long-term (1979-present) total water storage anomalies over the global land derived by reconstructing GRACE data. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093492.

  9. Löcher, A., Kusche, J. (2021). A hybrid approach for recovering high-resolution temporal gravity fields from satellite laser ranging. J. Geod. 95 (6),

  10. Meza, I., Rezaei, E.E., Siebert, S., Ghazaryan, G., Nouri, H., Dubovyk, O., Gerdener, H., Herbert, C., Kusche, J., Popat, E., Rhyner, J., Jordaan, A., Walz, Y., Hagenlocher, M. (2021). Drought risk for agricultural systems in South Africa: Drivers, spatial patterns, and implications for drought risk management, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 799, 149505,

  11. Nitzke, A., Niedermann, B., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Kusche, J., Haunert, J.-H. (2021). Reconstructing the time-variable sea surface from tide gauge records using optimal data-dependent triangulations. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 157,

  12. Richter, H.M.P., Lück, C., Klos, A., Sideris, M.G., Rangelova, E., Kusche, J. (2021). Reconstructing GRACE-type time-variable gravity from the Swarm satellites. Sci. Rep. 11 (1117),

  13. Schröder, S., Stellmer, S., Kusche, J. (2021). Potential and scientific requirements of optical clock networks for validating satellite-derived time-variable gravity data, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 226, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 764–779,

  14. Yang, F., Forootan, E., Wang, C., Kusche, J., Luo, Z. (2021). A New 1-Hourly ERA5-Based Atmosphere De-Aliasing Product for GRACE, GRACE-FO, and Future Gravity Missions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol.126(9), e2021JB021926,

  15. Zeitler, L., Corbin, A., Vielberg, K., Rudenko, S., Löcher, A., Blossfeld, M., Schmidt, M., Kusche, J. (2021). Scale Factors of the Thermospheric Density: A Comparison of Satellite Laser Ranging and Accelerometer Solutions. Journal of Geophysical research-Space Physics, 126(12),Number: e2021JA029708,

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