Universität Bonn

IGG | Geoinformation


The geoinformation group led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert focuses on the development of efficient algorithms for the automatic analysis and visualization of spatial information. Thereby, we lay the foundations for the next generations of geoinformation systems (GIS), interactive visualization systems, navigation systems, and location-based services.

We hold courses on geoinformation systems, spatial databases, programming, algorithms, and cartography for students in the German-taught BSc program Geodäsie und Geoinformation. In the German-taught MSc program Geodäsie und Geoinformation as well as in the English-taught MSc program Geodetic Engineering, we focus on algorithmic aspects of geoinformation science.

Recent publications

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© IGG - Geoinformation

Immersive Virtual Reality to Verify the As-built State of Electric Line Networks in Buildings

Julius Knechtel, Weilian Li, Yannick Orgeig, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and Youness Dehbi

CAD-Pool Städtebau
© IGG | Geoinformation

Efficient mining of volunteered trajectory datasets

Axel Forsch, Stefan Funke, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and Sabine Storandt

© IGG | Geoinformation

Minimum-error triangulations for sea surface reconstruction

Anna Arutyunova, Anne Driemel, Jan-Henrik Haunert, Herman Haverkort, Jürgen Kusche, Elmar Langetepe, Philip Mayer, Petra Mutzel and Heiko Röglin

© IGG | Geoinformation

Clustering Building Footprint Polygons Based on Graph Similarity Measures

Sophie Duong, Peter Rottmann, Jan-Henrik Haunert and Petra Mutzel

© IGG | Geoinformation

Suitability assessment of different sensors to detect hidden installations for as-built bim

Julius Knechtel, Jan Behmann, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and Youness Dehbi

CAD-Pool Städtebau
© IGG | Geoinformation

Integrating optimization-based spatial unit allocation into a multi-agent model for the simulation of urban growth

Annika Bonerath, Yannick Orgeig, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and Youness Dehbi


Avatar Haunert

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert

Head of working group


Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

Avatar Juraga

Sandra Juraga


+49 228 73-1751

+49 228 73-1753


Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

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